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Rev. Season 1 Episode 6

Following a poor review of his last sermon on,Adam considers packing it in and stays at home watching TV whilst a bogus vicar roams the city,obtaining freebies and harassing the Bishop of London. After making a fool of himself at a vicars and tarts party organized by Ellie,he gets drunk and is almost arrested – but discovers redemption and the identity of the impostor.

Episode : 6
Season : 1
Air Date : 2010-08-02 00:00:00

Following a poor review of his last sermon on,Adam considers packing it in and stays at home watching TV whilst a bogus vicar roams the city,obtaining freebies and harassing the Bishop of London. After making a fool of himself at a vicars and tarts party organized by Ellie,he gets drunk and is almost arrested – but discovers redemption and the identity of the impostor.

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