1950s. At the village of Rio Bonito, cowboy Diogo leads a horde of oxen to the Ouro Fino Ranch. When passing by the Remanso Farm, he meets Rodrigo, a boy who dreams of becoming a cowboy. Soon they become friends and witnesses of the wrong doings that happen in the region due to Major Batista’s greed. The major orders his thugs to blackmail the local residents, in a way they sell the cattle by the price he wants. The situation changes when Otacílio Mendes, Rodrigo’s father, decide to rebel himself, counting on Dr. Almeida’s help.



Vanessa Giu00e1como

Josu00e9 de Abreu

Jottapu00ea Carvalho

Rosi Campos

Eucir de Souza

Antu00f4nio Edson

Valter Santos

Jeremias Moreira Filho