Hosted by Steve Harvey, the first game is a hilarious faceoff between two actresses when Kristin Chenoweth competes against Kathy Najimy to see who will win the grand prize for their selected charities. In the next game, casts from reality shows “My Unorthodox Life” and “Summer House” battle it out to see who will come out on top.
Episode : 6
Season : 8
Air Date : 2022-08-14 00:00:00
Hosted by Steve Harvey, the first game is a hilarious faceoff between two actresses when Kristin Chenoweth competes against Kathy Najimy to see who will win the grand prize for their selected charities. In the next game, casts from reality shows “My Unorthodox Life” and “Summer House” battle it out to see who will come out on top.